Sunday, January 17, 2016

February Meeting Notice 5th February 2016

        David Bensley  will lead the discussion on The Sign of Four  as we continue our 40th year of monthly meetings Occupants and new guests are reminded that anyone else may also present a paper for this journey through the 60 narratives.  Why should we have one main speaker and allow others to submit papers?  Because it allows for infinite variety.
    To join us at Alongi’s Restaurant in DuQuoin, Illinois, look for  the red brick building on the north side of Main street, just west of the train tracks.  Enter and find yourself once again transported into a world of Hansom cabs, gaslights, and swirling yellow fog — it is 1895.  Our genial hosts will be pleased to help you find Camden House and the Occupants.  All you need ask is “Where is Sherlock Holmes?” If you are not a fixed point in a changing age, you may wish to go to the phrase “Come at once if convenient” to receive driving directions. No matter how you find us, we hope you will join us as we explore the original adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson   -NMW-


For directions click the link below

"Come at once if convenient, if not, come all the same." 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Sherlockians! This is Lloyd Worley, a founding member of OEH, just writing to say Hello and to say how much I enjoy receiving the CHJ each month. I'm in Greeley, Colorado now, having retired from the university just last May. My retirement anniversary is coming up! I still reread Holmes, and I follow the new pastiches (most of which fail to replicate the speech and nuance of the Canon). If anyone knows of a collection of pastiches that actually are good, please let me know!
